Translating Science into Stories:
Mapping an Actionable Story Flow Narrative

To ensure the Sponsor presentation meets the Advisory Committee expectations, early consensus on the Key Messages and the Story Flow Narrative are pivotal for a successful preparation process.

CMG specializes in facilitating the translation of complex information into a story that is accessible, credible and customized for regulatory audiences. To prepare for various potential scenarios during the Advisory Committee meeting, CMG facilitates a Message Mapping Workshop to build consensus on the Story Flow Narrative. In addition, participants have the opportunity to identify key issues that will need to be addressed during the regulatory interactions.

In preparation for an FDA or CHMP Advisory Committee Meeting, a strategic scenario-driven approach is taken that anticipates the various issues the Committee may raise in the course of the meeting as well as potential decision outcomes. The key to successful preparation includes not only well-executed presentations but also the ability to manage Q&A and address "thorny" topics. Issues Management sessions are conducted with both the internal and external experts - as well as external KOLs who may be called upon at the meeting and/or by the media - to ensure clear and consistent message delivery.